NotebookCustom Maya Single Initial Journal

Sold & Shipped by Clairebella

NotebookCustom Maya Single Initial Journal

Sold & Shipped by Clairebella

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Our hardcover journals feature a matt finish and a flexible, sewn spine that allows the journal to lie flat on a surface when opened.

The luxurious cover feels soft to the touch, while the smooth, acid-free pages are perfect for capturing your thoughts, dreams, and aspirations. Whether you're jotting down ideas, sketching, or journaling, this artistic notebook will inspire you to embrace your inner strength and conquer the blank page with confidence.

- 128 Rule Lined Pages
- Measures 5" x 7" x 0.50"
- Ships in 5-7 Business Days

Product Specifications

Length: 7 in.
Height: 0.50 in.
Width: 5 in.
Weight: 0.50 lbs.

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